Assignment 3 - Chemistry Solver
Due: 2018-05-04
Your next assignment is to develop an ODE solver that follows the evolution of
the nine species of H, H+, H-, He, He+, He++, H2, H2+ and e-.
You can use the Grackle method paper for
this assignment.
- Look up the chemical kinetic rate equations
- Develop a right-hand side calculation. You may do this by hand, or using
SymPy as we did in class.
- Calculate the rate coefficients as a function of temperature; you can assume
an ideal gas law for the temperature.
- Utilize the SciPy integrators to evolve a network of reactions drawn from
the Grackle methods paper.
You will have until May 4. (May the Fourth be with you.)
You should produce the following items:
- Python code that runs from the command line that accepts
- Initial H ionization fraction
- Initial He ionization fraction
- Molecular hydrogen fraction
- Density
- Time to evolve to
- Integrator to use inside
- An integrator that updates based on some safety factor until the time is
- A set of visualizations that show overall change in the various fractions.
- A writeup
Your code must be documented; this does not mean extensive comments, but it
does mean that each routine must have a brief outline of what it is doing. You
must also provide a notebook or other report that walks through how to utilize
the code and what to expect.
You must evaluate the following items:
- When is it slower and faster? When it is near equilibrium or far?
- Do you see any particularly interesting regions in phase space?
- What was easy or hard?