
The formation of Population III binaries from cosmological initial conditions

Previous high-resolution cosmological simulations predicted that the first stars to appear in the early universe were very massive and formed in isolation. Here, we discuss a cosmological simulation in which the central 50 M(o) (where M(o) is the …


Simulations of the formation of Population III (Pop III) stars suggest that they were much more massive than the Pop II and Pop I stars observed today. This is due to the collapse dynamics of metal-free gas, which is regulated by the radiative …

Resolving the Formation of Protogalaxies. II. Central Gravitational Collapse

Numerous cosmological hydrodynamic studies have addressed the formation of galaxies. Here we choose to study the first stages of galaxy formation, including nonequilibrium atomic primordial gas cooling, gravity, and hydrodynamics. Using initial …

Towards Forming a Primordial Protostar in a Cosmological AMR Simulation

Modeling the formation of the first stars in the universe is a well?posed problem and ideally suited for computational investigation.We have conducted high?resolution numerical studies of the formation of primordial stars. Beginning with primordial …

Analysis and visualization of multi-scale astrophysical simulations using python and numpy

The study the origins of cosmic structure requires large-scale computer simulations beginning with well-constrained, observationally-determined, initial conditions. We use Adaptive Mesh Refinement to conduct multi-resolution simulations spanning …